
“措手不及”,汉语成语,指的是事情突然出意外,一时无法对付。可以翻译为“be caught unprepared,be caught on the wrong foot或be thrown off one’s guard”等。 例句: 这一举动为的是...

China encourages voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations, and works to ensure all people eligible for vaccination have access to it.我们鼓励群众主动接种,力争实现“应接尽接”。Some...

Fame can be a shortcut to love and money.名望可以是得到爱情和金钱的捷径。ticket to 搭配success,fame,stardom这些词表示获得成功和名望。比如:She hoped that getting this job...

喜欢一个人可以说fall for,be fond of,have a crush on,be crazy about,be smitten以及be head over heels in love。今天,我们来看看从开始约会到热恋再到彻底分手,相关的英语表达有哪...

更多内容请点击:疫苗接种应接尽接不等于“一刀切”英语该怎么表达? 推荐文章